REAL QUALITY – SOCERT Società di Certificazione S.r.l.
What this is and what must ensure the certification of a product.
Each certificate must be the guarantee for the consumer at the level of both quality and consistency over time.
To ensure that, the certifying organization must be able to constantly and continuously monitor the production chain of certified products before they enter the market.
The REAL QUALITY certificate, issued for CLINETOR® by So.Cert (Qualified Company for Italian Certification) consists precisely in this, the constant monitoring of the parameters established in the regulation of CLINETOR ®.
The specific regulation provides for specific tests on the raw materials used in manufacture and the finished product, as well as those collected periodically by external qualified laboratories following the standards established for qualitative assessment of detergents.
Not only that, REAL QUALITY certification provides for the periodic publication of most of the internal tests and all the certificates of the external examinations, so that the product found on the market by the consumer is always tested and guaranteed.
N.C.T. Srl, makers of CLINETOR® is thus held responsible for the obligation to publish the aforesaid data on its website, , on penalty of withdrawal of the certification.
Download the “Real Quality” brochure
Certificati e Controlli
Controlli interni
Controlli esterni
Gruppo CSA S.p.A