This is the letter that the President of NCT Chemical addresses to the mayors of Italian Municipalities, with the aim of sensitizing the institutions to the growing problem of environmental pollution on their territory.
The goal is to contribute to the protection and protection of the environment, through the adoption of simple and effective solutions such as the use of replacement products of traditional detergents.
Dear Mr. Mayor
Dear Environmental Councilor

This letter has been sent to all Italian municipalities with prevalence of coastal and island communities where the problem of pollution of our seas and water in general is most felt.
We address you directly because we are aware of being able to contribute to the resolution of the environmental problem and allow us, that we are a medium-small company, not to divert substantial amounts of advertising to compete with large multinational detergents, but to invest them in active research. For this reason we ask your support in informing the population that there is a simple, cheap and effective way to replace traditional detergent, which causes 63% of environmental pollution.
Our product, the CLINETOR, replaces 95% of the traditional detergent with equal effectiveness and the waste water from the washing machine can be used to water the flowers.
What we say is not a miracle but is the result of our ability to use natural products that return to nature without modification at the end of the cycle.
All this is supported by certifications of official laboratories that certify the effectiveness of the product in comparison with a leading detergent of the market and the quality of wastewater (see attachments).

CLINETOR has been on the market since 2009 but, having not used traditional advertising channels, it is still little known. It is known and appreciated by the public attending the ecological, organic, herbalist shops, children’s clothing stores and by word of mouth. The continuous increase of requests and in particular of refills is confirmation of the validity and quality of the product. Recently, on the market, some products have come from all over Asia, similar in shape but with very different and normally not very effective characteristics.
For this reason we would like to clarify that CLINETOR is a N.C.T. Srl studied by us, patented and totally produced by us in Italy with natural raw materials.

What is and how the CLINETOR works.
The CLINETOR consists of a plastic ball of 6.5 cm in diameter with cracks in wedges containing 130 g of a mineral agglomerate (tourmaline) in the form of pellets sufficient for 80-100 washes. It does not foam, requires less water and less energy than normal detergents.
The pellets of CLINETOR are the active part composed of the mixture of two minerals, the Elbaite and the Uvite and the agglomerants.
The detergent capacity is given by the ionization of the water when the two minerals are stimulated by electric or magnetic fields or temperature fluctuations. All conditions present during laundry in the washing machine.
The ionization makes the water less viscous, it makes it pass between the fibers of the fabrics more easily removing the dirt present and deepening the fibers without leaving harmful residues to the skin.
With ionization, the washing power of the water is about 20 times higher than that of common detergents.
The CLINETOR replaces the detergent, the anti-limescale and the softener so that, at the end of each wash, you consume only 0.5 gr of mineral product against 150-350 gr of traditional detergent.
Like traditional detergent, CLINETOR also requires the treatment of resistant stains with ordinary stain removers or better with sodium percarbonate.
The latter, being themselves ionized and then enhanced by the CLINETOR, must be used in quantities from 5 to 10 times lower than the usual dosages.
This brief information immediately gives an idea of ​​the possible economies and of the least environmental impact if the CLINETOR is used in bulk.
The advantage that CLINETOR gives by replacing traditional detergent, is the contribution to the elimination of solid masses consisting of the fatty part of common detergents and, in the case of powdered detergents, mineral fillers (zeolites) which are the cause of the clogging of sewers and the curse of sewage treatment plants and for their final disposal.

The present communication is intended as an informative stimulus for those administrations sensitive to the conservation of their territory and environmental economies to collaborate with N.C.T. in order to promote the use of CLINETOR towards the most attentive citizens.
For further information on the product, we invite interested parties to visit the website and directly N.C.T New Chemical Technology Srl to establish an operative form of collaboration adapted to the specific needs and to better understand the philosophy of the products of N.C.T.
Of course to find in you people sensitive to the protection of our environment and to the prudent management of common resources I offer cordial greetings waiting to receive a quick and conscious response.

R. Leardini

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